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Synopsis of Final Score Airing on TV Tonight HD

Synopsis of Final Score Airing on TV Tonight
Jakarta Trans TV cinema today shows the film Final Score . You can also watch movies that feature Dave Bautista as the main character through the live streaming of Trans TV which is available on the Vidio platform, on Monday, September 19, 2022, at 21.45 WIB. Check out the synopsis of Final Score summarized by Showbiz Liputan6.com from the following sources.
Tells the story of a former American soldier, Michael Knox who is visiting London to visit the family of his deceased relatives. Knox takes his rebellious nephew, Danni, to a ball game.
Danni often argues with her mother after her father died. Danni confides how sad she is after her father's death to Knox. When he arrived at the stadium, Danni got a text message from the guy he liked, saying that he was there too. Danni intends to sit with the boy.
Danni quietly left Knox. Unbeknownst to them, the stadium has been targeted by a group of dangerous terrorists. A number of bombs have even been planted there.

Brothers Dimitri and Arkady Belav once led the uprising of the Russian state of Sakovya, demanding its own independence. Attempts to create a revolution fail, Dimitri is killed in an explosion and Arkady is arrested by the authorities.
After several years had passed, Arkady was free. He and his men receive convincing information that Dimitri is still alive and in London. Now they are trying to find Dimitri's whereabouts.

Arkady and his men have taken several important people hostage in the stadium, and have taken control of the operator center. He did not hesitate to blow up several areas and even kill people to prove his threat was not a figment.

Arkady wants the British Government to dispose of Dimitri, who is said to have had plastic surgery. Knox, who realizes that Danni is missing, is helped by a geeky officer named Faisal to find him. That's when they found Arkady's men had taken control of the stadium.
Knox tried to make a report to the local police via a walkie talkie but was deemed a prankster. Now Knox and Faisal must fight to find Danni while stopping Arkady's terror.
Besides Dave Bautista, Final Score also stars Pierce Brosnan, Ray Stevenson, Lara Peake, Amit Shah and Julian Cheung. The film, directed by Scott Mann, has an original duration of 104 minutes.
Final Score was released in 2018. The film with a budget of 20 million dollars is a joint production of studios in the UK and the United States. Offering tense scenes and full of fights, Final Score also received praise for its unpredictable storyline.
Synopsis of Final Score Airing on TV Tonight HD

Synopsis of Final Score Airing on TV Tonight HD
